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•   William Maerkle  5/25
•   John Holladay  5/25
•   Patricia (Trish) Richards (Kerns)  2/9
•   Jane Pierpoint (Linden)  9/9
•   Bud Murton  8/21
•   Gordon Myers  7/2
•   Jerry Arnsberger  6/28
•   Charles MacFarland  3/19
•   Joanne Atack (Baker)  6/7
•   Philip Caravella  1/24
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
4 live in Arizona
10 live in California
2 live in Colorado
3 live in Connecticut
12 live in Florida
2 live in Georgia
4 live in Illinois
3 live in Indiana
2 live in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in New Jersey
2 live in North Carolina
64 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
4 live in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
2 live in Utah
3 live in Virginia
2 live in Washington
2 live in Wyoming
1 lives in Australia
1 lives in France
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Italy
1 lives in Japan
1 lives in Mexico
10 location unknown
52 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 67.5%

A:   102   Joined
B:   49   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Rocky River High School
Class Of 1962

Welcome to the Rocky River High School Class Of 1962 web site!

(Note - you can find previous home page postings in the Memory Scrapbook section.)


From Helen McSweeney Wilke: A small world story. We live in CT. My daughter, her husband, and 3 daughters live outside of New York City. The oldest granddaughter has just started her freshman year at Ohio State. Her roommate was unknown to her till move-in day. And here's the small world part .... Her roommate is from Rocky River!!! Her new roommate has got to be nice, as only nice people live in River!!!


Roy Swartz put together the 1st ANNUAL ROCKY RIVER Class of 1962  Mid-Winter Luncheon. The luncheon was in the Tampa - St. Pete Florida area on Wednesday, January 29.  We have many classmates who either live in Florida full time or are there at least during the winter.  We also know that other classmates often are in the area visiting family or friends at this time of year.

The lunch was held at Sloppy Joe's on the Beach at the Billmar Beach Resort, 10650 Beach Boulevard, Treasure Island, Florida. Of course...where else would Pirates congregate???  Roy reports that he considered it was a success given this was the 1st "Annual Mid Winter Florida Reunion" (25,200 days after we graduated).  Attendees included Pete Batterton, Patty (Shelton) Carbone (all the way from Colorado!), Joan (Lindow) Alden, Sue (McConnell) and Larry Stanko, Roy and Janet Swartz  and Tom and Carol Williams.   Everyone had a great time catching up.  Do you recognize these people after almost 58 years?!!!

L to R: Patty, Tom, Sue, Roy, Joan and Pete.

L to R: Larry and Sue, Joan, Patty, Tom and Carol, Pete, Roy and Janet

Roy promises a 2-day event next year for the "2nd Annual Mid-Winter Luncheon" building on the success of this one--and with more advance notice for those who want to wing their way to Florida next winter!!smiley If you are in touch with other classmates, please let them know about the event next year (likely also sometime during the last week of January or first week of February, 2021) and pass on their email addresses and/or phone numbers to Roy (email: who will contact them.  We also will announce it via the class website as dates and other details become known.

55th Reunion

Feedback from the reunion indicates everyone who attended enjoyed being together.  If you have any photos or comments you would like posted on this site, please email to  Trish Richards Kerns sent in photos you can view here 


50th Reunion Photos

These links take you to photos submitted by classmates.  Enjoy - and please submit your photos! Directions for uploading photographs are in the next article. (The most recently submitted photos are on the top of the list.)

Reunion Photos-Ehle

Reunion Photos-John Kirk

Reunion Photos-Shannon-Fabritius

Reunion Photos-Arnsberger

Reunion Photos-Myers

Fantastic 50th Reunion!

We had a fantastic reunion over the past two days.  Sixty-two alumni attended.  Over the next few weeks we'll be posting many stories and photos from the weekend.  We'd like to encourage those who took photos to upload them to an online service such as,,, or Directions for creating an account and uploading images are on each site. There is no cost unless you select pictures to print. Once your pictures are uploaded the site will give you a "link" address used to view the pictures.  Send us the link to your online album (use contact us). We'll post a list of all the links on our home page. That way everyone can see your photos. If you used a film camera, please ask the developer to create a DVD or CD with the initial development (it should't cost much.)  Then either upload the photos or send us the DVD/CD's and we'll post them for you.

Also, as Pete Gandola urged everyone, please reflect back on the past 50 years and blog your perspectives on the Memories Blog. Just click on "Post New Topic" and type away!

Let's all keep in toch!

Photo From 25th Reunion

Pat Shelton Carbone found a photo from our 25th reunion!  Click on the image to see a more detailed copy - then use CTRL+ repeatedly to enlarge further.

"Baby Boomers Time Machine" and 60's Reflections

Charles MacFarland found a some classic photos from our era.  Take a look here!

And Tom Stafford found a fun website reflecting on the '60's -

Memories from the All Night Party

Trish Richards (Kerns)

Trish sent in photos from the night of the party plus photos of invitations to other graduation events.  The first photo is from the all night party at city hall; the second is at Jane Brigg's house the following morning. Click here

Rick Pfizenmayer:

My most vivid memory of the All Night Party actually has to do with the morning after. Thank you Jackie Mueller for saving my life and that of a dozen or so of our classmates! Someone thought a real cruise on Lake Erie on Jackie's sailboat was a great idea so a bunch of us headed for the Yacht Club. I'm not sure what time it was, but my memory is it was pitch black and the moon was out as the sky was clear. The Lake was smooth as glass. All were having a great time--some more than others as even calm waters made a few queasy after a night of eating everything in sight. Then, as is wont to happen on the shallowest of the Great Lakes, a fairly violent thunderstorm came up when we were well away from shore and the Lake got incredibly choppy. Some of us were convinced we were going to capsize, or at least be tossed from the boat. Those who didn't think that just wanted to die before they got the dry heaves. Long story short--thanks to Jackie's skill as a yachtsman, we made it back to the Yacht Club dock where most of us kissed the ground and vowed never to go boating on Lake Erie again. I understand our Jackie went on to rival Commodore Perry in his exploits on the high seas.

Charles MacFarland:

Hi Everybody, I remember the all-night party very well. I went with Helen McSweeney, who also went with me to the prom. We double dated with Pete Batterton and his date, if I remember correctly. We all went to a park beforehand and dranks some whiskey, so I think I may have been a bit tiddly at the party. I think someone gave me some sneezing powder or some such prank on a cookie or cake. I know I ate the cookie whole, which must have made the perpetrators nervous. I remember several people, who presumably were in on the joke, asking me anxiously if I felt all right. In fact I felt great, and made it through the whole night, something I didn't do for another thirty years, until rave parties started commencing at midnight in recent times. Looking back, things that seemed very daring in those days just seem quaint nowadays. But then, many things in 1962 were much better than now, so I look back on those days with fondness. If anybody remembers what was on that cookie, I'd love to know.

Graduation Night All-Night Party

Remember 50 year ago tonight (June 12, 1962) when our parents put on the all night party? We were at city hall locked away so we couldn't get into too much trouble...  The party was followed by breakfast on Wagar Beach!  Email us any memories you have of the night that you want to share!

View the invitation to the party and the program! Note the names our parents came up with for the skits in the show.  Clearly the space era had begun.  Click here!

Graduation Day 1962

Commencement was held on June 12, 1962.  Three classmates spoke on the general topic "As a Graduate..." - Jan Horbably on "Who Are We?", John Holladay on "What are We?" and Joan Lindown on "Where are We".  Jan found a copy of his speech (!!) which you can read here. It reads well even 50 years later.  Nice job, Jan! 

Our commencement day Cleveland Plain Dealer is below. The world we lived in was very different from today - well, almost... Check out the political cartoon on the editorial page. All the sections are fun reads.  And the TV guide had... 3 channels.  How did we survive?

Cleveland Plain Dealer - June 12, 1962

Commencement and Baccalaureate Programs

Original copies of our Commencement and Baccalaureate Programs -

Graduation Issue of the Hi-Tide

Click to read the our entire Hi-Tide from graduation!

Baccalaureate Buffet Signature Booklet

Remember the signature booklet we each had at the Baccalaureate buffet?  It was for getting everyone's signature since we didn't have our Yearbooks yet.  Rick Pfizenmayer found his.  See if you signed it!

Click to see the entire booklet.